As it has been quite some time since my last post, I thought I should catch you all up on what is going on with my missionary work here on the West Bank of New Orleans.
Recently, I moved into the main office of the Elementary school that I am a volunteer at. I do the attendance, see to aches and pains from the students and other work in the office as one of the Administrative Assistants. I still coach the Flag and Streamers team and sponsor the Yu-Gi-Oh Club with the youngsters.
I was interviewed by a newspaper about my missionary work and went home for a surprise visit to my family for the Easter Break.
We are bringing Spiritual Adoptions to Louisiana! With the help of previous SA programs from Chicago, we are starting with a bang! St. Rosalie's Salesian Youth Center is on a roll with prayer cards and 12-week baby models on the run. Our Lady of Prompt Succor is beginning the process for spiritual adoptions this week and can't wait to officially adopt their unborn babies April 22nd.
I can honestly say that I am happy with the how things have been turning out this year. I am bittersweet about he fact that I will be returning to Chicago in the August to return to school but I am happy more so about the upcoming NCYC in November of which I will be hopefully returning to New Orleans to take a group from the Salesian Youth Center.
The Sisters are doing well, please pray for them. They are wonderful women of God who have devoted everything to him in the hope of saving souls and creating an atmosphere of love for the children they minister to every day of their lives. I am honored to be living with such inspirational woman.
If there is one thing I am taking from this year it is to never be afraid of what God has ready for those who love him. The children here at the school and at the youth centers are the face of beauty. They God's love to the world. The young people have and always will be the PRESENT CHURCH. Not the future, not the past, the present. The NOW.
They are why my future, starts now.
MHC Pray for us
SJB Pray for us