Having grown up in Chicago, I'm not very much used to Hurricanes or tropical storms for that matter.
Snow storms yes, maybe a few heavy rainfalls now and again, but hurricanes?
The Sisters and I stayed next door at the school where it would be more safe. That first night was a bit scary, I'm not going to lie. I kept remembering the times when my sisters and I were younger, and the four of us would race to our parents' room during a storm. As time passed we all grew to sleep through storms, but that night, my first experience with a hurricane, I swore I was 7 again, and closed my eyes to imagine my mother there with me and my sisters playing games like old times by candlelight when there was a blackout.
Mopping and clean up after the storm still continues.
Yesterday morning we prepared all the school food from the freezers. Pizzas, donuts, cinnamon buns, french bread, chicken patties and sausage links and served them to those who needed food. Last night we delivered over 150 hot meals (biscuits, rice, carrots, spinach, shrimp dinners, chicken breast, gumbo) from the kitchen at OLPS not including the food from the morning. So many homes were still without electricity due to the storm.
As we delivered food, we found families living in their cars because it was their only means of keeping cool in this heat. It was an experience like no other that I was blessed to be a part of. It's days like these that have me thanking God for everything I have and the wonderful people who give to the communities that need it the most.
So it was nice to meet you Isaac. Can't say I'd ever want another Hurricane to roll on by, but I'd love to keep helping the community any way I can. And with that, my future starts now.
MHC Pray for us
SJB Pray for us